Demo Day

After several months of coaching, workshops and intensive work on the way to Investment Readyness, the projects of the TRIP Class will present their results and will be available for exchange. You will find out who will make it to the Final TRIP Class on March 16, 2022. For the Final TRIP Class 21/22, there […]

Workshop “Scaling up your team”

Exclusively for the Final TRIP Class 21/22. It`s all about scaling up your team! The TRIP team provides TRIP startups with insights on employee development, team scaling and leadership. Coordination, communication, goal achievement and flexibility are key concepts.

Workshop “Investor Relations”

Exclusively for Final TRIP Class 21/22. After the investment is before the investment. In recent years, STIFT has become an investor and is currently involved in five innovative companies from Thuringia. Exclusively for our TRIP-Class we share our knowledge and experience from the investor's point of view.

Pitch Training Part 1

Exclusively for the pitchers of Investor Days Thüringen 2022. Today our pitch training series starts, in which we enable the start-ups and scale-ups for the IDT pitch stage. How can I present my start-up authentically, confidently and successfully within the shortest possible time? How do I bring a complex business model clearly to the point? […]

Hannover Messe

With the start-ups of the TRIP Accelerator Program, it's off to the Hannover Messe. The TRIP Class 21/22 pitches their business innovations to the international community. More info at

Pitch Training Part 2

In the second part of the pitch training series, we will also provide the teams with proven tools and techniques in order to show the best pitch performance and convince investors. Of course, all pitchers will receive individual pitch coaching with feedback and tips for the final touches. This will prepare them for a pitch […]

Investor Days Thuringia 2022

On June 14 and 15, 2022, the Investor Days Thuringia will once again bring together startups and players from the innovative business community in Erfurt. Stay tuned and get the latest updates at!

Start your TRIP

Mehnert LAB im Kontor Erfurt Hugo-John-Straße 8, Erfurt, Thüringen, Deutschland

Curious about which start-up projects have made it into the TRIP Class 22/23 from the numerous applications? The TRIP-Cass 22/23 will be announced at the kick-off event "Start your TRIP". Get to know the next startup generation!

Innomatch 2022 “Connecting for the future”

Weimarhalle, Weimar Unesco-Platz 1, Weimar, Germany

Network with stakeholders of the Thuringian innovation community! Under the motto "Connecting for the future", InnoMatch opens the doors of Flügelsaal 1 of the Weimarhalle on 30 November 2022, where you can exchange ideas with the competition participants of this year's Thuringia Innovation Award, start-ups of the TRIP Accelerator Programme as well as seasoned innovators […]

TRIP is an initiative of STIFT within the framework of the project ThEx innovativ and is supported by the Free State of Thuringia with funds from the European Social Fund Plus
part of Stift