Start your TRIP

Mehnert LAB im Kontor Erfurt Hugo-John-Straße 8, Erfurt, Thüringen, Deutschland

Curious about which start-up projects have made it into the TRIP Class 22/23 from the numerous applications? The TRIP-Cass 22/23 will be announced at the kick-off event "Start your TRIP". Get to know the next startup generation!

Innomatch 2022 “Connecting for the future”

Weimarhalle, Weimar Unesco-Platz 1, Weimar, Germany

Network with stakeholders of the Thuringian innovation community! Under the motto "Connecting for the future", InnoMatch opens the doors of Flügelsaal 1 of the Weimarhalle on 30 November 2022, where you can exchange ideas with the competition participants of this year's Thuringia Innovation Award, start-ups of the TRIP Accelerator Programme as well as seasoned innovators […]

Application Start TRIP-Class 23/24

You want to reshape the future with your technology or innovative business idea? Then get on board and become part of the next TRIP Class! The program is open to all sectors and is aimed at all those who are tackling the challenges of tomorrow with new technologies and innovative approaches, who are pushing technology […]

CROSS LAB – experience cooperative working for future-proof companies

In the Cross Lab of THAK and ThEx innovativ, participants experience a cross-innovation process in four days, a cross-sector development of ideas with people from traditional business enterprises, the creative industries and startups. The recipe for developing new ideas: a mix of an entrepreneurial challenge, diversity, the right setup and appropriate creative methods.

TRIP is an initiative of STIFT within the framework of the project ThEx innovativ and is supported by the Free State of Thuringia with funds from the European Social Fund Plus
part of Stift