Workshop “Pitch training”

Exclusive for TRIP participants. In the digital spotlight of the Investor Days Thuringia on 15.-16. June 2021, numerous startups are going to present their innovative business ideas. We make sure that everyone delivers their best pitch performance. The projects are prepared in the best possible way in the digital pitch workshop.

Workshop “Pitch training”

Exclusive for TRIP participants. The second pitch training is going to focus on the 3-minute pitches and the business models of the start-ups. Are you curious about who the presenters will be on the digital pitch stage? Then stay informed on the official website of the Investor Days Thuringia!

Investor Days Thuringia

On June 15 and 16 2021, Erfurt will be the place-to-be for the start-up community. The event will connect 600 like-minded people, entrepreneurs, VCs, innovators and CEOs to generate the best deal flow. The hybrid event platform presents a wide range of the latest technologies and innovative business models, a forum for early and later […]

Workshop “Value Creation”

Exclusively for TRIP participants. The teams and business models of the pre-selected TRIP projects will be scrutinized to find out how much potential they have. The top applicants will receive full tickets for the TRIP-Cllass 20/21.

Start your TRIP

Are you curious which start-up projects have made it into the TRIP-Class 21/22 out of the numerous applications? At the kick-off event "Start your TRIP" the TRIP-Cass 21/22 will be announced. Get to know the next start-up generation!


Due to the current infection situation in Thuringia and out of consideration for the health of all participants, we have decided to postpone InnoMatch until further notice. As soon as the situation allows, we will make up for the event and enable the personal exchange and live networking to the full extent. The Innovation Award […]

Workshop “Business Model Creation”

Exclusively for the TRIP Class 21/22. The first step towards a company is an idea - but that is far from being a business model. In the workshop "Business Model Creation", the TRIP class learns how to turn an initial idea into a business model. Together with STIFT, the TRIP participants will examine their business […]

Workshop “Strategy”

Exclusive for the TRIP Class 21/22. How do I make the right decisions for my start-up? Which financing strategy should I pursue? How can I make my business strategy future-proof and competitive? All these questions will be answered together with the TRIP-Class 21/22.

Workshop “Law”

Exclusively for the TRIP Class 21/22. At the "Law" workshop, the TRIP teams will get an overview of various legal aspects such as legal forms, rights and obligations of CEOs, IPR and data protection. Besides, they will learn which legal matters they need to pay attention to.

Workshop “Market and Competition”

Exclusively for the TRIP Class 21/22. Why is clear market positioning so important for start-ups? Which positioning works strategically for my business concept? How can smart positioning move and disrupt existing ecosystems? How do I make the right decisions? These are the core topics we will work on in the TRIP workshop "Market & Competition" […]

Workshop “Financing”

Exclusively for the TRIP Class 21/22. The TRIP workshop "Financing" is about more than money. For start-ups, successfully completing an investment also means making a lot of upfront investments and strategic decisions. In the TRIP workshop, the TRIP team coaches the TRIP Class 21/22 on what can be done right in start-up financing with investors […]

TRIP is an initiative of STIFT within the framework of the project ThEx innovativ and is supported by the Free State of Thuringia with funds from the European Social Fund Plus
part of Stift