Our Stories


TRIP alumni wins Innovationspreis 2021

Under the motto “Innovative? Excellent!”, the Innovationspreis Thüringen 2021 was presented today. Among this year’s winners is a start-up that is more than familiar to us.

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We moved!

We moved! From now on you can find us in our new base at at new address.

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Fresh wind in the Thuringian start-up scene

The TRIP Accelerator Program powered by STIFT started its third round today with 10 innovative start-up projects. Within the next six months, the business models will be accelerated and made investment ready through expertise, budget and network.

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Investor Days Thuringia get the start-up ecosystem going

From cyber security to smart farming – the Investor Days Thuringia put the spotlight on 64 future technologies from start-ups and growth companies from all over the world and connect the founders with the VC scene. Four innovative projects are pleased to receive prizes for their pitch performance.

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Boost your Deal Flow with Investor Days Thuringia!

On June 15 and 16, 2021, the Investor Days Thuringia will connect 600 players from the business community, entrepreneurs, investors and innovators in a hybrid format to generate the best deal flow. Registration for the event is now open.

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TRIP Demo Day: Full Speed Ahead to Investment Readyness

Ten project of the TRIP Accelerator Program pitched their innovations and development steps to the start-up community at the Digital Demo Day. Six of them received tickets for the Final TRIP Class, which will prepare them for VC investment.

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TRIP is an initiative of STIFT within the framework of the project ThEx innovativ and is supported by the Free State of Thuringia with funds from the European Social Fund Plus
part of Stift