Start your TRIP

Mehnert LAB im Kontor Erfurt Hugo-John-Straße 8, Erfurt, Thüringen

Curious about which start-up projects have made it into the TRIP Class 22/23 from the numerous applications? The TRIP-Cass 22/23 will be announced at the kick-off event "Start your TRIP". […]

Innomatch 2022 “Connecting for the future”

Weimarhalle, Weimar Unesco-Platz 1, Weimar

Network with stakeholders of the Thuringian innovation community! Under the motto "Connecting for the future", InnoMatch opens the doors of Flügelsaal 1 of the Weimarhalle on 30 November 2022, where […]

Application Start TRIP-Class 23/24

You want to reshape the future with your technology or innovative business idea? Then get on board and become part of the next TRIP Class! The program is open to […]

TRIP ist eine Initiative der STIFT im Rahmen des Projektes ThEx innovativ und wird gefördert durch den Freistaat Thüringen aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds Plus.

part of Stift