TRIP Workshop „Investor Relations“

**Exclusively for TRIP-Class 24/25** In individual cases, STIFT itself also acts as an investor and invests as an early-stage and side investor in promising Thuringian start-ups. Exclusively for the TRIP […]

TRIP x Wissensfabrik “Speedmentoring”

Sustainably securing innovative strength in Germany - that is the common goal of the nationwide join-in network of the Wissensfabrik, to which the STIFT - Foundation for Technology, Innovation and […]

TRIP Workshop “Pitch Training”

**Exclusively for the TRIP Class 24/25 and pitchers of IDT25** In the spotlight of the Investor Days Thuringia in June 2025, numerous startups will once again present their business ideas. […]

Investor Days Thuringia

The Investor Days Thuringia are celebrating their 10th anniversary. Once again, they are bringing the startup community and investors together in Erfurt to spotlight innovations, create collaborations and generate deal […]

TRIP is an initiative of STIFT within the framework of the project ThEx innovativ and is supported by the Free State of Thuringia with funds from the European Social Fund Plus
part of Stift